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Meddler Help

How do I use Meddler?

Meddler is an HTTP Server running on port 8088 on your local PC.  You can configure applications (e.g. browser) which send HTTP requests to point at Meddler.

To view the Class Explorer, which shows all of the available objects and functions, click View > Class Explorer.

   Class Explorer

Can I run Meddler on a different port?

Yes. By default, Meddler runs on Port 8088. 

You can start Meddler like so: meddler.exe /port:1234
Or, simply change the DWORD named “ListenPort” inside HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Meddler to your new default.

Can I run Meddler with a fixed seed for the pseudo-random fuzzing functions?

Yes. By default, Meddler uses the system tickcount to seed the random number generator.

You can start Meddler like so: meddler.exe /seed:123BA3
Or, simply change the DWORD named “RandomSeed” inside HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Meddler to your new default.

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©2018 Eric Lawrence