Hostname | Family | Addresses | TTL | Expires | Network Isolation Key | Network changes |
Server | Alternative Service |
Host | Proxy | ID | Negotiated Protocol | Active streams | Unclaimed pushed | Max | Initiated | Pushed | Pushed and claimed | Abandoned | Received frames | Secure | Sent settings | Received settings | Send window | Receive window | Unacked received data | Error |
QUIC Option | Value |
Supported Versions | |
Connection options | |
Max Packet Length | |
Idle Connection Timeout In Seconds | |
Reduced Ping Timeout In Seconds | |
Packet Reader Yield After Duration in Milliseconds | |
Mark QUIC Broken When Network Blackholes | |
Do Not Mark QUIC Broken on Network Changes | |
Retry without Alt-Svc on QUIC Errors | |
Do Not Fragment | |
Allow Server Migrations | |
Migrate Sessions Early V2 | |
Migrate Sessions on Network Change V2 | |
Retransmittable on Wire Timeout in Milliseconds | |
Disable Bidirectional Streams | |
Race Cert Verification | |
Race Stale DNS On Connection | |
Estimate Initial RTT | |
Force Head of Line Blocking | |
Max Server Configs Stored in Properties | |
Origins To Force QUIC On | |
Server Push Cancellation |
Host | Version | Peer address | Connection ID | Active stream count | Active streams | Total stream count | Packets Sent | Packets Lost | Packets Received | Connected |
Queued | URL | Status | Type | Content |
Origin | Group | Subdomains? | Expires | Endpoint | Priority | Weight | Uploads | Failed uploads |
Origin | Subdomains? | Expires | Group | Success % | Failure % |
URL | Duration | Loaded |
Origin | URL | Final Status | Time |
ID | App | Enabled | Name | Version | Description |
Name | Version | Type | Socket Type | Protocol | Path |
Name | Version | Namespace | Active |
(?) | (1 of 34) |
ID | Source Type | Description |